The COVID-Minds Network is led by an international group of scientists and mental health professionals.
Founder of the COVID-Minds Network and Associate Professor of Psychobiology and Epidemiology
Dr Daisy Fancourt
University College London
Dr Nils
World Health Organisation
Professor Kathleen Merikangas
National Institute of Mental Health
Dr Catherine Sebastian
Wellcome Trust
Professor Matthew Hotopf
King's College London
Professor Naja Hulvej Rod
University of Copenhagen
Grace Gatera Uwineza
Lived Experience Expert
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Support the establishment of high-quality longitudinal studies to explore the effects of the pandemic on mental health.
Enable international collaboration to enhance our understanding of differences in the mental health effects of COVID-19 across countries and cultures.
Catalogue and disseminate findings.
Patient and public involvement
Policy and third sector support
Open science and access
Encouraging researchers to involve people with lived experience of mental health challenges in the design and running of studies.
Sharing protocols, data, and findings among researchers to enhance and align our collective work.
Providing health organisations and governments with evidence to guide policy decisions and public health interventions during the pandemic.
The COVID-Minds Network is generously funded by the Wellcome Trust.